I am about to embark on a cross-country road trip that will be taking me from Calgary, AB, Canada to our nation's capital - Ottawa. I originally thought this was going to be a trip that was just going to get me from point A to point B with a friend or two along for the ride.
Then I got to thinking...
What a perfect opportunity to start a conversation with fellow Canadians about what our commonalities are. Ultimately, in the hopes that this will build onto a larger project of creating a Global
Accountability Agreement. Or perhaps, as my friend Dan is suggesting, a Global Constitution.
So I am posing the following self-reflective questions:
1. What do we have in common?
2. How are we
evaluating our commonalities?
3. Are certain things weighted heavier or lighter in the commonality comparison chart?
4. For that matter, what would that chart look like?
I am leaving on June 14, 2007 from Calgary. My first stop will be
Kindersley, Sask. From there I am heading to Saskatoon, Sask. then on to
Estavan via Fort
Qu'Appelle. I will be joined by friends for part of the trip and we will be celebrating a homestead's 100
th Anniversary in
Moleta, MB. From there it is on to
Gimmley before heading east into Ontario. Ontario's stops include towns and cities such as
Emvale and
Orillia. Along the way I will be asking those whom I meet about what they think we have in common, what Canadians and the rest of the world has in common and if there was a global document that was recognized by all, what would that document look like to them.
In part this has been inspired by conversations with classmates in Leadership Calgary. Reading Thomas Homer-Dixon's book "Upside of Down" on
catagenisis, Ray Anderson's collection of speeches in "Mid-Course Correction" and Paul
Hawken's first book "Ecology of Commerce". I think the world is at a point of major catastrophe, and if
TH-D is correct, then the genesis that might come out of this spectacular downfall is the creation of some sort of organic and evolving document that recognizes life and humanity above all else and is respected by all life and humanity.
I encourage people to share their comments, their stories and suggestions. This is a platform by which we can all start influencing change, not only on a local level but on a
holistic global level.
I look forward to having you along for the ride!